John Byrne
Drama Workshops and Tours

As a professional actor, John brings a wealth of experience to the stage and beyond. Since leaving drama school in 1984, he has appeared in numerous shows and TV programmes, including BBC One’s ‘A Thing Called Love’ and ‘Bedside Manners.’ As the owner of ‘Big Monty Productions,’ his own murder mystery dinner theatre company, John infuses every performance with his passion for storytelling.

Off-stage, he serves as a London tour guide, collaborating with established tour companies to lead visitors through the rich tapestry of the city's history and culture.

"John was so knowledgeable, friendly and engaging! It was clearly a passion for him to share his knowledge and love of the area and culture."

"He showed us the sights and had interesting information and stories about what we were seeing. The stories and information conveyed by a local makes all the difference."

John holds a Diploma in Dramatic Art from The New College of Speech and Drama.

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